We believe that service learning is the ultimate curriculum for the 21st century. It not only includes all the standards, it goes beyond by connecting students to the world, their community, and most of all provides students with the realization that even though they are young, they do have a voice, they can make it heard and they can make a difference. It is highly motivational for students.
These students at Horace Mann Middle School conducted extensive research on the history of their community, conducted interviews, then designed and painted murals to honor their community heroes. Those murals will be there many years from now; maybe they can show them to their grandchildren! Service learning is the epitome of 21st century education – it is the ultimate vehicle for carrying all the content standards as well as all the 21st century skills.
Find answers to FAQ about Service Learning:
1. What is Service Learning? 2. How do I implement SL, how can I integrate it into my required content and skills, and how much time will it take? 3. Discover the four main types of Service Learning - Direct Service, Indirect Service, Advocacy and Research. 4. Discover the four stages of Service Learning. 5. Explore multiple themes for SL project: * Animals * The Environment * Hunger and Homelessness * Literacy * Government * Senior Citizens * Friendship * Transportation and more !
You will be amazed at how easy it is to create one of these SL projects that meet all the Criteria for 21st Century Education, develop the Multiple Literacies for the 21st Century, develop the 7 Survival Skills of the 21st Century and meet the CCSS (or your state or country standards)!
Service Learning is surely the ultimate, meaningful, authentic curriculum! Develop your personal SL project using the templates, tools, resources and examples from this workshop!