STANDARD - "Written definition, limit, or rule approved and monitored for compliance by an authoritative agency (or professional or recognized body) as a minimum acceptable benchmark."
Think about the definition for "standards" above. Notice the words "minimum acceptable"! We remind teachers all the time that the standards are the floor, and that we need to be taking our students beyond the standards. Would you want your child receiving the minimum education?
Many teachers, many schools, have implemented strategies which always take students beyond the standards. They are experiencing record high levels of student motivation, attendance, graduation rates and test scores. You will learn about what they are doing at 21st Century Schools' workshops and institutes. Hint: they are not drilling kids, teaching to the test, or drowning their students in piles of worksheets.
Anne Shaw, the founder and Director of 21st Century Schools, and the presenter for the professional development events implemented these strategies in her classroom; her students achieved higher results on their standardized test scores than any of the other classrooms in the school! Ms. Shaw's class demographics:
* No students identified as G/T (gifted and talented) * 50% ESL * 50% free or reduced lunch * 50% Hispanic * Some of the students were identified as Special Ed students as well as Emotionally Disturbed.
Using the strategies you will learn at our workshops her students made significant gains, academically and behaviorally. Student motivation was extremely high.
Teachers with whom Ms. Shaw has worked, and who have adopted the same strategies, have experienced the same results! You can, too! But don't just take our word for it, you'll see the research and the evidence when you come to San Antonio!
ccss map 2013
Click the map to the left to go to an interactive map on adoption of the CCSS.