Workshop Goal - to develop a comprehensive framework for an After School Program which integrates learning experiences designed for the development of:
21st century skills
Critical Attributes of 21st Century Education
Multiple Literacies for the 21st Century
AI Integration
The final Framework for an After School Program will also be aligned to District and Common Core State Standards.
Methodology – this is a self-paced, independent course. We will provide up to 3 hours of support via email, phone or Skype. If additional support is desired, we offer virtual consulting at a rate of $250/hour for 1-5 people.
Materials - participants will receive a PPT, which is the main course, containing links to all other materials. The PPT will guide the participant through the course, including indication of and directions for Assignments and Activities.
Time Commitment – this course is adapted to, and a replacement for, the workshop of the same title which is offered occasionally as a Regional Workshop and as a Gamified On-Site Workshop, the duration of which is 2 days. Obviously, in order to fully develop your After School Program the team will spend much more time conducting research, surveys, developing program curriculum, ordering materials, and so on.
The materials for the course provide you with clear guidelines for accomplishing all of the above.
Course Outcomes: This course will guide you through: (all materials are provided)
Organizing a Planning Team
Development of Mission and Vision Statements for your After School Program·
Setting up your Collaborative Planning Tools
Getting Focused, Getting Creative – an initial activity for determining the direction of your program. This is a very important, and intensive, team action.
Getting Inspired – your team will now analyze several examples of exemplary after school programs around the country.
Getting Organized – Develop your Personalized Planning Guide
Create your Timeline or Calendar
Review the Research on After School Programs
Program Possibilities – here we offer some “thought sparkers”, ideas for you to consider adapting for your program. This section includes links to resources, current programs and videos.
The Learning Environment
Curriculum – integrating the Disciplines and Standards
AI tools
Technology and Multimedia
21st Century Skills
Critical Attributes of 21st Century Education
Multiple Literacies for the 21st Century
Strategies for Student Learning at High Levels, developing student habits of learning independently and interdependently
Authentic, Performance-Based Assessment
Web 2.0 Tools
Snacks and Meals – links to excellent resources on this topic.
Community Connections
Online Resources – including all of the above plus Funding Resources
Final Product – Your After School Program Plan
Now that you have learned all about the components of After School Programs, examined many possibilities, analyzed real programs, etc., it is time to develop your final Plan. Utilizing what you have learned, all the checklists and other planning tools you have developed, you will now create a Final Plan for your After School Program.
Next step – developing the curriculum, setting up the site, obtaining personnel and materials (from furniture and technologies to art materials).
It will be an intensive undertaking, but will provide incalculable value and benefits to the students and the community.